2017 Wrap Up

At the beginning of 2017, my goal was to read 110 books and 44,400 pages (for more info about why I set a goal for pages as well as books, please refer to My Year in Reading page).

Though I didn’t finish my last book of 2017 until 9:30pm on New Year’s Eve, I managed to squeeze in the full 110 books and complete my 2017 Goodreads Challenge!


Alas, I fell short on pages, managing 37,581 out of the 44,400 I’d been working toward. 2016 was a pretty amazing reading year for me, and I thought I could push myself a little in the pages department for 2017, but it simply wasn’t to be. That stinkin’ reading slump in June (the one where I read ZERO books) really did me in. But. Considering that slump, and a multitude of other challenges, I’m going to let myself slide and say it was a good effort.

For a full list of the books I read in 2017, check out my page 2017: My Year in Reading (includes links to all my reviews for the year as well!).

Now, the fun part:

My Favorite Reads of 2017

I didn’t review all of these. I didn’t give all of them 5 stars. And clearly, I didn’t limit myself to a nice round number. Instead, I looked through all the books I read in 2017 and made note of the ones that made a lasting impression, the books that I’m likely to recommend, that are part of a series I love or written by an author I adore (or both), or just plain blew my socks off. 2017 was a great reading year, even if I didn’t meet all my goals, and these books are some of the biggest reasons why.

I can’t wait to see what reading adventures 2018 has in store for me!

6 Replies to “2017 Wrap Up”

        • Oh my gosh, I would absolutely build you an ark if I could. The heat and rain melted away our 4ft icicles and cleared the last of our walk and driveway of ice. But no flooding that I know of. Stay safe and warm!

    • Thanks!

      It really was so good. I read so many thriller/mystery/suspense novels that I don’t “get got” very often. But this one was crazy good.

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