Tag: Bookish Naughty List

The Bookish Naughty List Tag

This tag was originally created by A Page of Jenniely. I’m not usually one for tags, but after seeing it on Dee’s blog at Dee’s Rad Reads and Reviews, it seemed like a good bit of fun!


  • Tag & link the person who tagged you
  • Tag and link me/this post (if you would be so kind, I love reading your answers!)
  • Tick/cross off the ones you’ve done
  • Tag another 10 people!

If you’ve not been tagged, go ahead and do it anyway!

Now for the fun part!


1. Received an ARC and not reviewed it?

Sadly, yes. I have quite a few actually, all of which I intend to get to eventually…

2. Have less than 60% feedback rating on NetGalley?

Significantly less than 60%. My goal by the end of the year is to get back up to 40%. 

3. Rated a book on Goodreads and promised a full review was to come on your blog (and never did)?

Not in years. Mostly because I read so many galleys these days, and when I do review, I do it in many places, usually all at once. In the past, I was reviewing TBR books, so I didn’t feel a responsibility to see things through. Even now, I don’t usually do reviews for TBR books because I’d rather spend that time…reading more from my TBR.

4. Folded down the page of a book?

Only in absolute desperation, and not recently. If I’m at home, there is really no excuse for dog-earing. If I’m out and about, I typically have my purse, which means a receipt or some semblance of paper scrap is at hand. Plus, who leaves their house without their phone these days? Phone = camera, voice recorder, and many means of making notes, including just going into the Goodreads app and noting where I left off.

5. Skim read a book?

If I find myself skimming a lot, then the book isn’t for me or I’m tired and shouldn’t be reading at that moment. Either way, I set the book aside and come to it later.

6. DNF a book this year?

A few. This year, I’m embracing the DNF (within reason). Life is too short to finish books I don’t like. Plus, forcing myself through a book usually leads to a reading slump that lasts weeks. So not worth it. 

7. Bought a book purely because it was pretty with no intention of reading it?

No. Though I am a sucker for a pretty cover.

8. Read whilst you were meant to be doing something else?

Yes. Usually homework or cleaning. :/

9. Accidentally spilled on a book

Not really spilled, more like choked or coughed unexpectedly with fluids in my mouth. So, sprayed??? 😀

10. Completely missed your Goodreads goal?

In 2011, my first year participating. My triplets were newborns. My goal was to read five books (5!), and I only managed three. in hindsight, three books seems like a bit of a miracle. 😀

11. Borrowed a book and not returned it?

My brother-in-law sent me his copy of Different Seasons by Stephen King after a family visit. That was when we lived in California. Probably six years ago. He hasn’t asked for it back (it was in pretty sad shape, to begin with, in all honesty), but I do plan to return it eventually.

12. Broke a book buying ban?

Definitely, but I’ve actually been on a book buying diet since last year (print only), and it has been pretty successful. Kindle books, on the other hand, we won’t talk about…

13. Started a review, left it for ages then forgot what the book was about?

Yuppers. For me, ages is a month or so, and usually I go back to Goodreads and read the synopsis there to get a refresher. That usually jumpstarts things for me.

14. Wrote in a book you were reading?

School books, yes. For literature classes, I’d buy a separate copy if I already owned the book, a study copy. Then I can highlight the crap out of it, guilt free. If I want to make notes or highlight something that spoke to me, I take a picture of the page with my phone, and come back to it later. Stopping to take notes interrupts my reading rhythm. 

15. Finished a book and not added it to your Goodreads?

Ha! Ummm…no. I’m a goal-oriented statistics freak. I update Goodreads on the daily. If I told you about all my apps and spreadsheets…

Yup, exactly my kind of tag.

Not tagging anyone, but if you think you might enjoy it, please join in!

9 Replies to “Tag: Bookish Naughty List”

  1. Yay! I’m glad you did it. I haven’t done very many tags but it did seem like fun. I totally didn’t even think of “spraying” a book. That has happened so many times. I really shouldn’t eat or drink while reading books that could possibly shock me in any way. I loved your answers!! 🤗😀
    Happy reading!

    • Thanks! It was fun. Oh my gosh, little chocolate “crumbs” that melt on the page…if it’s wet or melty, I’m the same. I can’t help but make a mess.

    • Thanks for the nomination! I see from your replies to the Sunshine Blogger Award that we have quite a bit in common. Yes to all the candy!!! It’s amazing I have any teeth left. 😀

  2. Pingback: The Dreamy Book Covers Book Tag – Not-so-modern girl

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